It is hard to believe that an Earth/Grounding cable could have such a huge impact on sound quality, but it does!
The way the cables used to drain away the noise / stay currents are designed has an signify effect on the result. Entreq believe this is due to there being such a high frequency and low voltage in the current with which we deal.
Spontaneously, you feel that the design of a cable not used to convey signals, but rather to connect to the earth, should not have any effect on the sound. However, the choice of materials and the design of the earth cable produces completely different results. Again, they can only find the explanation in that it is a matter of very high frequencies, or else there should not be so big difference between connectors, regular copper cable and mirror-twisted silver cable. Actually, it is merely the design of the contacts and the dialectrum that join a good earth cable with a good signal cable. Otherwise, they have hardly anything else in common.
Ertha Spade to Spade :
- These are used to connect to equipment that have additional or specialist ground points, even chassis locations. The most common application is for RIAA phono stages or grounding to a turntable itself. *Please note that where possible always use an Ertha RCA or XLR cable, invariably they will always perform better.
- Entreq PowerUs and CleanUs products all have there own dedicated ground connections and as such require an Ertha Spade to Spade to draw excess noise away to your choosen Entreq ground box.
Ertha 3.5 to Spade :
- There is only one application for this particular product and that is to exclusively connect, via a 3.5mm ground connection, to Entreq’s dedicated “FEEDS noise reduction circuit”. This unique technology is built into almost all of Entreqs Signal cables.
10 unique Characteristics of Entreq Cable Design
1. Separate cable for positive and negative signals for handle the magnetic fields best way.
This allow us to optimize positive and negative conductors for best performance.
Positive and negative conductors have different demands. Many means that they should have same construction for best phase stability, but the benefits with optimize them separately for their job are in our opinion far bigger.
2. Asymmetrical design.
With our construction we can choose different metals as well as the dielectric material for positive and negative conductors. The fact we can use different dielectric means that we can optimize the polarization effect, so it has so little impact on the signal as possible. Also, we can use different length on the conductors for positive and negative conductors and that allow us to minimize the impact on the signal from the magnetic fields.
3. Positive and negative cables are spun clockwise and anticlockwise respectively.
This together with different length and material on positive and negative conductors/cables give the magnetic fields around the positive and negative cable different shape. This way we reduce the cross talking betwen the cables and fields.
4. Adapted lengths to minimise the antenna effect.
All cables act as antennas. They both send out and pick up. Some length act as “better” antennas then other lengths. In our opinion the optimal length for a cable is 4,40 m. We think that length is the worst antenna that pick up less radiation. However, that is not a practical solution to have all cables in that length and also there will be many other negative influences with long cables. Our cables are in step of 0,55 cm lengths, 1.1m, 1.65m, 2.2m and so on.
5. DIC Dedicated integrated contacts.
We make sure that the area and the mass of the contacts area correspond to the cables area.
In our opinion it´s very important to keep the signal path as straight and clear as possible. We should avoid bottlenecks and big squares for the signal because it will cause time delays for the signal and the result will be muddy sound. We have also found that it´s give big benefits if we use silver for the positive signal and cupper for the negative. There are also big differences between solid pins or tubes in the connector. A tube gives better flow for the signal compared with a solid pin.
Think of the cable as a Highway. If the access and slip roads are well constructed and in good condition the traffic will flow easy. If it´s the opposite, you will get traffic jam and accidents, no matter how good and well-constructed the rest of the road is.
6. Wood in the contact framework. Non-magnetic and non-conductive.
All metals are magnetic in one way or another. Even metals/plastic that we say are non- magnetic are
“paramagnetic” and have influence on the signal. Wood have no impact on the signal and let the metal in the connectors signal path work the way we expect.
7. Only pure copper or/and silver in the signal paths.
No alloys And no metal just for good looking!! You never see any metal on a Entreq cable if the metal not cary signal. Many other brands use big shiny metalparts on the cables for the good look. But this will be a part of the dielectric and affect the soundquality.
8. Drain wire instead of shielding in order to connect to a pure earth point (External Earth Drain System)
A common shield of aluminium ot cupper will also be a part of the dielectric and give undesired results.
Instead we use Infinity treated drain wire of Cupper or Silver wich have less affect on the signal, but still protect against radiation.The high pressure treated drainwires (Infinity system) are superior comparing with all other kind of wires or shields. The Infinity treatment makes the drain work in much higher frequences.
9. EEDS External Earth Drain System
This entails the shielding / drain wire not being connected to the device’s negative pole that is the common way. When uou do it that way you mix the signal and the pollution just before it enters the device. The result will be that you get it all in the signal/device.
With our EEDS system you keep pollutions and signal separated all the way, from source to receiver. Since the drain wire with the pollutions are connected to another external earth point, (One of our ground boxes is suggested. And here we recommend you to carefully choose Eartha cables and ground box for best result.) the pollutions go to groundbox and the signal go separated and clean to the device. This way, we drain off the interference/noise that the shielding absorbs to the groundbox outside of the signal paths. A big improvement when we keep it separated instead of mix it together just before the process in the recieving device.
10. Cotton covering instead of synthetic materials
The sleeve automatically be a part of the dielectric. If using plastic sleeve, you add characteristic to the cables. Some manufacturers want this, but we prefer to add so little features as possible.
- Contact : Dicky Ng 012-3308893
- Contact : John Yew 016-2861000
- Email : [email protected]
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